Friday, February 21, 2020

The role of Finance and Accounting in Business Essay

The role of Finance and Accounting in Business - Essay Example Therefore, to sell at a breakeven price, 100 bags need to be sold. The amount of funding that need to be raised is $ 500. To get the number of bags that need to be sold to raise the $ 500 net income, we derive another equation by equating number of baskets to z. z*3 + (all the fixed costs) = z*5-$ 500†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ (5). 3z +$ 200= 5z -$ 500 Bringing like terms together; $ 700= 2z which gives a z value of 350 bags. The total figure of 350 bags is not realistic since only 100 customers are available. At this point, measures to trim down the charge of the bags. The marketing and distribution charges (advert, posters and vendor charges) add a significant percentage to the initial cost. The charges take 40% of the total cost. Although marketing and supply chain requires input, it should not add excessive expenditure in the total cost as it might lead to customer suppression in the final product price. To override the cost larger volumes of the commodity should be sold, as in the ca se scenario above. If it was possible to sell all the 350 bags, the fixed costs would have no significant effect and the income would be generated. Since the customer number is limited to 100, other measures have to be taken to reduce the fixed charges or override them. Charges need to be prioritized according to necessity. Both posters and College newspaper adverts communicate the same thing. It would be wise to evaluate the most efficient means of capturing sales. If an advert is placed in the newspaper, it might not capture a lot of attention to students who do not read it. It might, however, capture the attention of the staff. Posters, on the other hand, might do the trick when strategically placed within the college premises. They would be placed on all main notice boards, lecture rooms and corridors. These would easily catch the attention than a page in a newspaper. If only posters are used, the fixed charges will reduce by a considerable proportion. Considering the equation 2 above, the new cost would be $ 400. The net income will be $ 100. If the newspaper is favored than the posters, the net income amounts to $ 60. In a scenario where both charges are scrapped, the only cost will be that of shipping the baskets and the new net income would be $ 160. However, this would jeopardize the sale due to low awareness. Still, a net income of $ 500 will not be realized. The other approach will be setting up a higher sale price for the basket. Since the purpose of the sales drive is to raise funds for scholarships, an exaggerated price would not necessarily have a negative impact. The valentines’ period is also characterized by increased spending. By taking this position and selling the bags at a price of $ 9, while scrapping the newspaper and retaining the poster advert it would be possible to obtain the net income of $ 500 as shown in the equation below; Total cost = (3*100) + (cost of poster supplies$60) + (Vendor charges$ 40) = $ 400. Total sales= $9* 100=$ 900 Net income = $900-$400=$500 The resulting price is triple the initial cost of the basket. This would have a risk of reducing the purchasing power especially if the role of the fundraiser is not elaborated enough. By

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Interest Levels of Boys Reading at Primary School Essay

Interest Levels of Boys Reading at Primary School - Essay Example Most children entering Key Stage 2 are not certain about their reading processes. Some of these children require specialist assistance and they still require all the experiences offered to the Key Stage 1 children. Other children make a considerable beginning with reading but in the process, they are not able to comprehend majority of the words they are reading in the books with any fluency or speed. They frequently regard themselves as poor readers and they get little pleasure from what they read. These types of children require texts they can manage accurately and those that offer them maximum satisfying experience (Bentley 1999, p93). Data from Lancashire County Council indicates that pupils underperform in reading by; (a) the failure to evaluate the author’s methods in offering an impact on the audience, (b) being not capable of citing evidence for their own opinion from the text and, (c) being not able to draw basic conclusions concerning a character or a situation. Boys fail to perform in reading because they find it difficult to engage with un-macho texts, for instance, they dismiss all female characters as ridiculous (Martin and Waters 1999, p159). It is suggested that in the western societies, the media particularly the television is replacing reading as the main interest of young people. The loss of interest in reading is very worse especially among the boys. The situation has been worsened by the arrival of the Internet and computer games (Goodwyn 2002, p48). It has been argued that â€Å"sex is the major factor in studies of children as readers, being more strongly linked than either social class or ability and attainment with how much children read† (Lockwood and Lockwood 2008, p101). There are many differences on what boys read, how well they read, the much they read, what they discuss in their reading and their performance in certain reading assessments. Researchers have also identified certain elements of English as a subject that tend to alienate boys. The boys are at a disadvantage when emphasis is put on reading narrative fiction specifically realist fiction that deal with daily interpersonal relationships. Outside school, the boys reading interests tend to change when they get older; their interest is more on fantasy than realism and they are engaged more in non-fiction genres than girls. Research shows that boys enjoy non-fiction materials than girls (72 percent of boys as opposed to 57 percent of girls) (Lockwood and Loc kwood 2008, p101). According to the research, the preference for individual responses by the English subject teachers to fiction reading severely disadvantages the boys. This is because the boys are very reluctant to express their emotional engagement with